• Automotive
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Contract
    • Indefinite
    • Full-time
    • Fixed gross salary 30.000-35.000 euros/year
  • 428 registered
Offer description
For the Quality Department of important business group of the automotive sector of Barcelona, ??we select OEM QUALITY RESPONSIBLE. The functions and tasks to be developed are, among others: ? Attend and resolve customer complaints / incidents related to quality ? Maintain customer satisfaction by taking the necessary actions to resolve the customer's claim ? Inform the organization regarding customer complaints received and their resolution status ? Analyze quality problems identified by customers, finding root cause, making improvement proposals and promoting their implementation, and documenting correctly the actions performed ? Management of guarantees claimed by customers ? Implement and promote continuous improvement in the resolution of quality incidents and complaints ? Monitoring and control of quality indicators, promoting actions that minimize costs not external and internal quality ? Represent your area and actively participate in the improvement projects your manager will assign you, are projects of transversal scope or circumscribed to their own area. ? Lead new projects based on APQP ? Manage customer sample requests
Minimum studies
· Average or higher university degree: Technical Engineering · Higher Level Training Course with experience and trained in the area of ??quality. Aware of the usual problem solving techniques.
Minimum experience
- 3 years of experience in TIER1 / TIER2, in inspection / verification positions, quality technician and in functions similar to those described. - Experience in quality control in white line of auxiliary industry of the automotive sector.
Minimum languages
- Native Spanish. - Catalan: Native. - Advanced English.
Assessable requirements
- Conocedor de las diferentes pruebas y ensayos a efectuar en los productos/servicios objeto de ensayo.
- Conocimiento de las normas de gestión de calidad (ISO 9001 y ISO/TS 16949).