Socially responsible

Etalentum Selección

Our corporate values

Honesty, seriousness, confidentiality, excellence and innovation

Our social responsibility is fundamental at the time of proposing and developing our main activity. Etalentum works to help people finding work, improving their work status and their quality of life, and to help companies selecting the best professionals, contributing to the development and the growth of the business.

We value people

We promote equality and diversity
Equality between men and women is a reality within the company that is effective with the development of the actions of the Etalentum Equality Plan and the promotion of awareness activities.
We support Human Rights
We make sure that we are not complicit in their violation and we understand the responsibility to respect them beyond compliance with the law.
We start the Etalentum healthy plan
In order to improve health and well-being, as well as the work environment, productivity and attraction and retention of talent in the company, Etalentum's first healthy plan begins. This includes different actions such as: fruit in the office, facilities for the realization of sporting activities, healthy afterworks...
We promote teambuilding
Etalentum carries out teambuilding activities to enhance the team spirit, trust and cooperation among Etalentum members. These activities, which are aimed at the personal and professional growth of the entire work team, encourage learning and fun as an experience of positive results for the company.
We contribute to society
Selección de personal a éxito
We are inclusive
We are committed to the employment of people with disabilities. As an example, we incorporate and integrate people with disabilities to our teams.
Selección de personal a éxito
We develop initiatives that contribute to the training and employability of young people and groups at risk of social exclusion. That is why we are in constant contact with universities, institutes, training centers, foundations, organizations and associations.
Selección de personal a éxito
Solidarity initiatives
We organize an annual seminar dedicated to the help of some groups at risk of social exclusion. In addition, we participate periodically in some solidarity activities such as:
-Collection and destruction of waste by Humanitarian Foundation for the Third and Fourth World Dr. Trueta
-Pickup of plugs
-Blood donation from Banc de Sang i Teixits
-"Great Food Collection" from el Banc dels Aliments
-Sport march against the poverty from Oxfam Trailwalker
Selección de personal a éxito
We carry out a task of awareness for our employees, customers and suppliers about the importance of building a fairer world. We do different awareness actions aimed at various audiences to disseminate the CSR and its implications, as well as to explore its different areas of management.
Selección de personal a éxito
We are inclusive
We are committed to the employment of people with disabilities. As an example, we incorporate and integrate people with disabilities to our teams.
Selección de personal a éxito
We develop initiatives that contribute to the training and employability of young people and groups at risk of social exclusion. That is why we are in constant contact with universities, institutes, training centers, foundations, organizations and associations.
Selección de personal a éxito
Solidarity initiatives
We organize an annual seminar dedicated to the help of some groups at risk of social exclusion. In addition, we participate periodically in some solidarity activities such as:
-Collection and destruction of waste by Humanitarian Foundation for the Third and Fourth World Dr. Trueta
-Pickup of plugs
-Blood donation from Banc de Sang i Teixits
-"Great Food Collection" from el Banc dels Aliments
-Sport march against the poverty from Oxfam Trailwalker
Selección de personal a éxito
We carry out a task of awareness for our employees, customers and suppliers about the importance of building a fairer world. We do different awareness actions aimed at various audiences to disseminate the CSR and its implications, as well as to explore its different areas of management.

Committed to the environment

Energy efficient
We bet on the efficiency of energy behavior. Etalentum watches out so that the offices are located in energy-efficient buildings in order to improve the environment and the quality of life.
Reuse and recycling
We help reduce the amount of paper and its impact on the environment through its reuse and recycling. In addition, we use recycled paper in our offices.
Local suppliers
All our offices work with local suppliers and we share our best practices, values, norms and requirements with them, despite the fact that our value chain has an indirect impact with sustainability.

Professionally ethical

We offer the highest quality services by a responsible manner. We recognize that our business activity is carried out in a very broad context of society and we apply ethical criteria in the relationships with our clients, candidates, suppliers and collaborators.
Código ético Etalentum
Ethical code
We detail the strategic axes of corporate social responsibility in our ethical code.
Mejores ratios de igualdad
Higher ratios
Regarding the equality and integration plan for people with disabilities, our ratios are well above the average.
Máxima confidencialidad en procesos de selección
Maximum confidentiality
We guarantee the maximum confidentiality of the data and the reports of our employees, our clients and our candidates. The confidential documents are destroyed within the term set forth in the European Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).
Plan de calidad ISO
Quality plan
Our Quality Plan, with an exhaustive work method based on the ISO 9001: 2008 quality standards, guarantees the peace and satisfaction of our clients.
RSC igualdad de sexos
Etalentum women
Etalentum men
RSC personal con discapacidad
staff without disabilities
staff with disabilities
Download ethical code